. . . your guide to visiting the holy places  
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The Sites

Israel and Palestine – In Jerusalem

Israel and Palestine – Outside Jerusalem





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Western WallFeatured site: Western Wall

The Western Wall, the sole remnant of the Temple, is the holiest place for Jews, who come at all hours to pray and leave petitions in the gaps between its huge stones . . . .


What is this Holy Land?

It’s the most sacred space on earth. Here, the main religious faiths believe, God entered an enduring relationship with the human race… more >>

Going on a pilgrimage

There’s a deep-rooted desire in human nature to go on a sacred journey, encountering God through places, people and situations… more >>

A pilgrim is not a tourist

The tourist sees sights and returns home the same person. The pilgrim gains insights and returns home changed… more >>


When should I go?

What is the best time of year to visit the Holy Land for a pilgrimage or tour? What is the weather like? How fit do I need to be? And is it safe?… more >>



Holy Land maps

These maps of the Holy Land and the Old City of Jerusalem have been specially commissioned by Seetheholyland.net and may be downloaded for private use in full-resolution PDF format for A4 printing.


In a group, or solo?

What are the pros and cons of travelling to the Holy Land with a group, compared to going it alone? Or how about experiencing both ways?… more >>

Are the sites authentic?

How accurate are the locations? If sites have been built over, levelled, rebuilt and destroyed again, how authentic can they be? And does that matter?… more >>

The Holy Land’s Christians

Descendants of the people who heard Jesus preach still live in the Holy Land, but the daily struggle to live a normal life is reducing their numbers… more >>

What should I pack?

How many bags? What sort of clothes? Footwear? Medication? Electrical appliances? And how should liquids be carried?… more >>

Tips for travelling

Will I need a visa? Are there cultural taboos? How should I carry money? What about shopping? And tipping?… more >>

Could I lead a pilgrimage?

Do you have: Maturity? Leadership and organising skills? Ability to gather a group together? Then you could lead a pilgrimage — and get a free trip… more >>


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